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Monday-Saturday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

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Your Commercial Inspection Team Serving Coastal Delaware State

Specializing in Elevator Safety Code & Commercial Property Inspections

What We Inspect

When buying, selling, leasing, or managing commercial real estate, understanding the property's condition is essential. Our inspection services provide detailed and accurate insights into potential issues and future costs, helping you make well-informed decisions.

  • Businesses & Public Buildings:
    Self-storage facilities, car washes, gas stations, churches, schools, restaurants, museums, and libraries

  • Retail Properties: pad sites, office suites, single-occupancy offices, strip malls, and shopping centers

  • Commercial Offices: single-story and high-rise office buildings, flex spaces, multi-use facilities, medical and dental office suites, hotels, condominiums, residential buildings converted to commercial use

  • Multi-Unit Residential Properties: apartment buildings, condominiums, townhome developments

  • Industrial Properties: manufacturing facilities, warehouses, commercial condominiums, distribution centers, art studios, showrooms, co-op spaces

  • Hospitality Properties: hotels, motels, resorts, convention centers

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Why Schedule a Commercial Inspection

Whether you're buying, selling, or already own a commercial building, we provide accurate information about the true condition of your property. Our inspections help you make informed decisions, identify potential issues, and ensure the safety and integrity of your building. You can rely on us for a detailed and thorough assessment.

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Inspect and report building conditions.

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Verify the safety of the elevators in the building.

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Detect issues early to avoid costly repairs.

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Guide your property decisions.

What We Do

Choose Greater Chesapeake Inspection Contracting LLC for Certified Property Inspections in Rehoboth Beach, Coastal Delaware. We educate you about your property and help you maintain it. Contact your trusted local commercial building inspector today!

Inspect building systems and report property conditions
Identify problems before they become costly
Help you make smart property decisions

I Am CCPIA  & QEI Certified

I am certified and qualified by the Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA) and a Qualified Elevator Inspector certified by the Qualified Elevator Inspectors Training Fund (QEITF). I am the most qualified professional commercial property inspector in all of Coastal Delaware.

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Commercial Property Maintenance

Regular upkeep and inspections are essential for your commercial property in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Preventive maintenance can help avoid costly breakdowns. For thorough visual inspections, trust me, a certified inspector at Greater Chesapeake Inspection Contracting LLC.

A major portion of my business is performing QEI elevator safety code inspections and safety test Witnessing per A17.1 & A18.1 ASME Safety Code.

Commercial Property Inspections You Can Trust

You can trust us for thorough commercial property inspections. We provide clear, detailed reports on your property's condition. As certified inspectors, we focus on finding issues and giving you an honest, accurate inspection.

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Adhering to Standards of Practice

As certified commercial property inspectors, we adhere to the Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA) Standards of Practice. These standards ensure that every inspection we conduct is thorough, consistent, and of the highest quality.

We Inspect Key Systems

We Provide Objective Inspections

We Adhere to the Code of Ethics

To learn more about the specific standards we follow, you can review the complete CCPIA Standards of Practice here.

International Standards of Practice (ComSOP)

The International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties (ComSOP) outlines the industry-accepted standards for commercial property inspections. Provide a PDF of the ComSOP to inspectors, clients, and consultants. It covers limitations, exceptions, and exclusions for each inspection, along with useful agreements and checklists for daily use. Review local legal requirements before using these agreements.


Request a Proposal

Need a certified commercial inspection? Get the insights you need to make informed decisions. Request a proposal today!

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